Productivity changes around childbirth: evidence from the mutual fund industry (by Larissa Katharina Ginzinger, Kun Li, Alexandra Niessen-Ruenzi, and Gang Wang). Alpine Finance Summit. August 25, 2024.
Beyond benefits: uncertainty and sticky information costs (by Harrison Ham, Zhongjin (Gene) Lu, Wang Renxuan, and Katherine Wood). Eastern Finance Association Annual Meeting. April 12, 2024.
Overstaying their welcome: unevictable tenants, rents, and home prices (by Artem Joukov). Eastern Finance Association Annual Meeting. April 12, 2024.
Alpha return dynamics: evidence from hedge fund indices (by Gregory Koutmos). Southwestern Finance Association Annual Meeting. February 28, 2024.
Information leakage from short sellers (by Fernando Chague, Bruno Giovannetti, Bernard Herskovic). Financial Management Association Annual Meeting. October 13, 2023.
Sentiment divergence and its impact on share liquidity (by John Garcia). Financial Markets and Corporate Governance Conference. April 12, 2023.
An equilibrium model of career concerns, investment horizons, and mutual fund value added (by Jules van Binsbergen, Jungsuk Han, Hongxun Ruan, and Ran Xing). Financial Management Association Annual Meeting. October 23, 2021.
Can the variance after-effect distort stock returns? (by Tony Berrada). 14th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Behavioral Finance & Economics. September 23, 2021.
What makes uninformed traders tick? (by Barabara Bliss, Mitch Warachka, and Marc Weidenmier). Financial Management Association Annual Meeting. October 25, 2019.
Do investors' cultural traits affect how they process information? (by Kevin Brady and Luis Garcia-Feijoo). Southern Finance Association Annual Meeting. November 14, 2018.